Legal research

In 1981 CCL established ESTOPL (Easy Search of TOPical Law), a legal information retrieval system. Initially, ESTOPL was available as a loose leaf system that was updated monthly. In 1984 the system went ‘on-line' and was updated weekly.

Although ESTOPL was originally intended as a service to shareholders, because of demand from other members of the Bar and Solicitors it was agreed that it should be made available to the legal profession throughout Australia.

In 1989, the Board decided that the burden and cost of running the service was too great and in July of that year it was assigned to the barrister who had developed the ESTOPL programme.

Travel agency

Between 1986 and 2002, CCL operated a travel agency service for its members. In order to achieve competitive prices through bulk purchase a Harvey World Travel franchise was purchased. The policy of the Board was to run the Agency at either a small profit or on a break even basis as a service to CCL's members and the Bar.

Upon the retirement of the Agency Manager in 2002 a decision was made to close the Agency.

Counsel's Chambers Network

In 1999, in response to a growing demand from its shareholders for an internet service, CCL established the Counsel's Chambers Network.

In December 1999 a fibre optic cable was installed that enabled CCL to provide internet and email services to each Floor in Wentworth & Selborne Chambers at reduced rates. Connections to Windeyer Chambers and the NDC followed shortly thereafter. Additional full time network staff were employed to administer the network operations and assist members with connection and computer related issues.

In subsequent years CCL has invested significantly in building and upgrading the network infrastructure to provide what it believes is a valuable service to members. In February 2005, a VOIP telephony service was introduced to the CCL Network.

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